Shrove Tuesday

  • Weekly master task planning and a head start of a considerable stack of emails to process while still at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon on sundry matters.
  • Attended and participated in a meeting of the diocesan Finance Department. This is when the current year's budget that was adopted at Synod is tweaked to reflect actual amounts (rather than estimated amounts) pledged by the parishes. Next week Council wil be asked to officially amend the budget. Happens every year.
  • Returned to cleaning up my inbox, both what was left from before and messages that arrived during my meeting.
  • Lunch at home, from China 1.
  • Produced and printed a working script of my homily for Ash Wednesday (St Paul's Cathedral).
  • Processed a considerable stack in my physical inbox--work that invariably generates emails, phone calls, additional tasks to plan, and consultations with others in the office. It took me the rest of the afternoon.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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