Maundy Thursday

  • Met the morning still feeling traumatized by my hospital stay, from which I was released a midday yesterday. 
  • Surveyed the 52 items on my to-do list for what's left of this week and, exercising some rather ruthless triage, reduced it to 24, trying to observe multiple admonitions from multiple sources to "take things easy." Pared my task list down even further by delegating some to my intrepid Archdeacon, who promises me that I'm not exploiting him. 
  • Read Morning Prayer in the cathedral. 
  • Called my doctor's office, attempting to be faithful to my discharge instructions. 
  • Refined and printed my sermon for tonight's liturgy. 
  • Lunch from TG, eaten at home.
  • Wrote a short opinion piece for the State Journal-Register, in response to a recent article by Tom Erich, a columnist for Religion News Service who happens to be an Episcopal priest. It should run early next week.
  • Got down to the sad but necessary task of planning my own brother's funeral service, which I am conducting next Tuesday in suburban Chicago.
  • Read Evening Prayer in the cathedral chapel.
  • When home for a light supper.
  • Returned to the cathedral for the Maundy Thursday liturgy, at which I was only the preacher, and otherwise took things easy. As it turned out, I began to feel much stronger into the evening than I had for most of the day. I'm getting some of my pep back ... but promise not to overdo. 
  • The details of my medical future are still unresolved.


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