Thursday (Thomas Ken)

  • Up at the regular hour, but with the Zookeeper I live with visiting New York, I have extra pet care duties in the morning.
  • Customary Thursday exercise, breakfast at home, in at the office around 9:15. Devotions in the cathedral, but Morning Prayer fell victim to the distraction of new Archbishop of Canterbury's enthronement, live-streaming on the BBC website.
  • Processed several emails (while viewing the Canterbury livestream, so the processing was not particularly efficient).
  • Met with Kathy Moore, our Youth Department chair.
  • Lunch (and dog-walking) at home.
  • Re-engaged my sermon for the Seventh Sunday of Easter (May 12 in Normal), arriving at a main message point.
  • Took some actions in preparation for a June 1 Clergy Day.
  • Took some actions in anticipation of a couple of potential ordinations in May.
  • Fleshed out and solidified the third of my five retreat addresses in Albany next month.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Spent some time preparing for my role in tonight's meeting of the Cathedral Chapter.
  • Stepped out for a drive-through Italian beef sandwich (Chicago-style).
  • Attended the Chapter meeting.


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