Friday (St Jackson Kemper)

This was a day that just never did get off the ground for me. Felt just plain underpowered. My main accomplishment, beyond a scheduled phone call wearing my Living Church Foundation board member hat, was the production of a rough draft of a homily for the eve of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (next Thursday evening in Decatur, another "makeup" visitation). But it took me all day; I was just that unfocused. It could be a medication glitch. We'll see. In the meantime, Brenda's beloved 12-year old border collie, Lucy, is clearly quite sick--not eating or drinking and not interested in going outside. Brenda got her into the vet, who says her white and blood cell counts are both dangerously low. Brenda is devoted to that dog, and is praying for a peaceful end, if that is what it has come to. In the evening, I did manage to churn out a blog post in response to a recent sermon of the Presiding Bishop


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