
  • Back to the usual weekday morning routine. Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Returned some phone calls and processed some emails.
  • Extended and substantive scheduled phone conversation with a representative of the philanthropic department of U.S. Trust--in effect, my co-trustee as regards the Putnam trust, which provides an income stream to two of our parishes.
  • Impromptu conversation with Fr Roderick over some details in anticipation of the upcoming Clergy Day, and for a general check in on how his still-new ministry at St Paul's Cathedral is going.
  • Back to email processing.
  • Lunch from China 1, eaten at home, followed by a brief nap (in deference to my not-fully-recovered status), and a personal errand.
  • Substantive phone conversation with Fr Dale Coleman over a pilot project called Renewal Works that St George's, Belleville has been involved in.
  • Extended phone conversation with the Executive Director of the The Living Church, wearing my TLC Foundation board member hat.
  • More email processing.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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