
  • Customary Thursday morning workout ... treadmill only; no weights until I feel more secure about sternum healing.
  • Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Spoke by phone with the Dean of Nashotah House.
  • Prepped for a PM phone conversation from a fund raising firm consulting with the Diocese of Jerusalem on a potential ambitious capital campaign--taking the pulse of all their potential "stakeholders." Preparation consisted of studying their draft "case statement."
  • Took a phone call from Fr David Boase in his capacity as president of the Standing Committee.
  • Met with Fr Gene Tucker wearing his Dean of the Eastern Deanery hat, along with the senior warden's of St Thomas', Salem and St John's, Centralia regarding near-to-long term clergy deployment issues in those two Eucharistic Communities.
  • Lunch from TG, eaten at home.
  • Took the scheduled phone call re Diocese of Jerusalem.
  • Attended to some "elections and appointments" administrivia.
  • Wrote notes to clergy and spouses with "milestone events" in July and early August.
  • Took care of a personal organization "scheduled maintenance" chore.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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