
  • Weekly task planning at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Spent most of the morning returning phone calls and processing emails.
  • Spoke by phone with my ELCA counterpart, Bishop John Roth, regarding a matter of mutual concern.
  • Visited Fr Shipley in the hospital. He's out of ICU, but still looking like he's feeling pretty miserable.
  • Lunch from KFC, eaten at home.
  • More emails and phone calls.
  • Met with Fr Gary Goldacker, formerly of this diocese, more recently heavily involved in interim ministry, as he was in the area touching base with his Illinois roots.
  • Produced and delivered via email a 700 word article for the quarterly newsmagazine of Nashotah House.
  • Brief devotions in the cathedral; EP from memory to and in my car (it was already 6:00).


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