Thursday (Ss Boris & Gleb)

  • Customary Thursday morning exercise at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared (readings, Prayers of the People, think through a homily) for the 12:15pm Eucharist at the cathedral, which I was scheduled to celebrate.
  • Worked on my address to the annual Synod--broad strokes laid out and a few of the macro-details filled in.
  • Attended briefly to some Nashotah House business.
  • Began close exegetical study of the readings on which I have been asked to preach in the cathedral in Tabora (Tanzania) when I am there in November.
  • Presided and preached the regular 12:15 liturgy in the cathedral chapel, celebrating Ss. Boris & Gleb.
  • Lunch at home (leftovers).
  • Continued working on my Tabora sermon.
  • Back to Nashotah business. I'm spearheading a task group charged with proposing some fairly radical and far-reaching changes in the governing structure of the seminary, and there's a major conference call tomorrow.
  • The day was interspersed with email and Facebook exchanges regarding a sudden controversy over the relationship between the United Thank Offering (UTO), the national Episcopal Church Women (ECW), and the hierarchs at '815'. A lot more to come on that, I'm sure.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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