
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Consulted with the Archdeacon and Administrator over some administrative details.
  • Took a phone call from the Dean of Nashotah House and a couple of his staff members, dealing with a presently emergent but quite passing concern.
  • Refined and printed a working script for this Sunday's homily, to be given at St George's, Belleville.
  • Lunch from TG, eaten at home.
  • Visited a travel agency to see if I could get some help with making arrangements for three from the diocese (including YFNB) to visit our companion Diocese of Tabora (Tanzania) in November. They were not able to help much, and I left disappointed.
  • Continued to work on travel arrangements, from the comfort of my own office and computer. Made some incremental progress.
  • Met for an hour and a half with the Archdeacon and Fr Philip Boeve, priest-in-charge of St Barnabas, Havana, over some emerging concerns in that parish.
  • Continued to work on travel arrangements until I was astonished to see that it was already 6pm, so I packed it in and headed home, reciting the short form evening office in my car.
  • Spent most of my evening after dinner on the travel arrangements, finally booking flights between Chicago and Dar es Salaam on Turkish Airlines. Still have to finalize the plans between Dar es Salaam and Tabora.


  1. Ah, Tueday...and Tuemorrow. Very witty!

    God bless you, Bishop Daniel! Remember to take occasional breaks for idle gazes out the window! Also: blessings on your upcoming travels. May they be renewing to the apostolic ministry you have been given.


  2. Thanks for alerting me to the spelling oversight. Now fixed!


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