
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Consulted with the Administrator and the Archdeacon over an emerging situation.
  • Attended to some clergy pastoral care and some details of the clergy deployment process.
  • Met with Jason and Lisa Cerezo (of Emmanuel, Champaign), our new Current editors and website overseers. Lively discussion about communication strategy for the diocese. I was energized.
  • Lunch at home--leftover brisket from Monday.
  • Phone call with the Dean of Nashotah House, nailing down some details of our conversation yesterday.
  • Scheduled telephone appointment with a potential candidate for one of our clergy vacancies.
  • Worked on sermon development for Proper 19 (St Andrew's, Carbondale) and Proper 20 (a guest appearance at St Joseph of Arimathea parish in Hendersonville, TN on the weekend of the House of Bishops meeting in Nashville).
  • Laid out the broad strokes of a sermon for the installation of Fr Keith Roderick as Provost of St Paul's Cathedral, on the 14th of this month (Holy Cross Day).
  • Interspersed throughout the day were various emails attempting to solve the ongoing issue of in-country travel arrangements in Tanzania.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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