The Lord's Day (XXI Pentecost)
Alton Parish is one parish with two altars (St Paul's Church in "lower Alton" and Trinity Chapel in "upper Alton"--not to be confused, I learned today, with 'north Alton'). There are two quasi-distinct communities, worshiping at Trinity at 8:15 on Sundays and St Paul's at 10:30, sharing on priest, one vestry, and one set of finances. It seems to work, and is potentially a model for other areas of the diocese. So I reported to Trinity in time to preside and preach at the early celebration, and then spend some time with folks in the parish hall afterward. Then it was down the hill to St Paul's, where we confirmed seven adults at the later liturgy. Fr David Boase, their rector, has done a splendid job of pastoral care with both congregations, also managing to weave himself into the larger social fabric of the Alton-Godfrey area in a quite exemplary way.
I got home around 3pm, in time for a nap, some relaxation in front of the TV, and a welcome after-dinner walk around the neighborhood with Brenda. I also managed to attack my email inbox, making significant progress.
On my home world it's called a two-point parish. I served my curacy in a large 3-pointer (850 souls on the rolls), and my first rectorate in a small 2-pointer. It works very well when they all get along (e.g. the former), and not so well when they don't (the latter).