Thursday (St Ignatius of Antioch)

  • The day began with a brisk 30 minutes on the treadmill before breakfast.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • More debrief with the Archdeacon and the Administrator on the recent synod, discussing some possible tweaks for next year.
  • Reviewed, scanned, and emailed some financial forms to the representative of the other co-trustee for the Putnam Family Foundation, i.e. a Bank of America trust officer. 
  • Prepared the paperwork for a wire transfer from my Discretionary Fund to a priest/seminary professor in Pakistan whom I met in Thailand two summers ago, and whose ministry operates on a shoestring under extremely adverse conditions. Walked the paperwork up the downtown branch of Illinois National Bank, and finally got the job done, but had to wait rather longer than I was happy about because they were short-staffed today.
  • Lunch at home--more chicken soup.
  • Refined and printed a working script of my homily for this Sunday at St Stephen's, Harrisburg.
  • Processed the paperwork by which I gave consent to the retirement of two colleague bishops.
  • Finished drafting, then refined and printed a working script of my sermon to be given a week from tonight in the Nashotah House chapel.
  • Left at 4:30 with the Archdeacon ahead of a 6pm congregational meeting at St Barnabas' in Havana, with a quick fast-food dinner at McD's. I hope and believe we made some substantive progress in pressing the reset button on the mutual ministry there between priest and people. Home a little past 9:30.


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