
Still with the Nashotah House trustees today. We unexpectedly entered into some choppy waters for a bit, but even that very emotional-laden conversation was carried on with civility, grace, and mutual forbearance. We were immensely grateful to complete our work a little past 3:00pm. It was by far the most substantive and productive board meeting since I have been a trustee. Every member made a contribution; it was truly a team effort. I'm proud to be part of this work.

There is a regular solemn Eucharist on Thursdays at 5pm at the House, and it was my privilege to be the preacher for tonight's celebration. After an hors d'oeuvres reception in the refectory, trustees, faculty, and tomorrow's honorary degree recipients adjourned for the deanery for some more libations and dessert. My introverted self is ready for bed.


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