Tuesday (St Teresa of Avila)

  • Task prioritization (from a list of 66 for the week; they won't all get done) at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon and Administrator over the recent Synod, making some mental notes and tossing around some tentative plans for the next one.
  • After consultation with the Archdeacon, charted a response to the national church's request for some idea regarding our 2014 financial contribution.
  • Began to work on writing a post for the Covenant blog, something I had been scheduled to do yesterday, but it got by me.
  • Joined a scheduled conference call in my capacity as co-trustee for the Putnam Family Foundation, which benefits two of our churches in the diocese.
  • Lunch from Smash Burger, eaten at home.
  • Finished the blog post I began before lunch. It's about a rather controversial hamburger.
  • Conceived, hatched, and substantially developed a homily I will deliver next week at the Thursday evening Solemn Mass at Nashotah House.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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