
Began the day with an hour on the treadmill in the fitness center at the Hampton Inn, Elkhorn, WI. From there it was only about a 45-minute drive to Nashotah House. The Executive Committee convened at 11:30. Then, after lunch, the full board came together at 2:00, and met until 4:15, when we adjourned for Evensong. I would say it was a very positive and productive session, devoted mostly to preparing for our interaction with the ATS visiting team. We also discussed our evolving mission statement, which is nearly completely refined. After Evensong I joined four of my board colleagues, plus one spouse, for dinner at Revere's in Delafield. The board then came back together at 7:30 for an hour of give-and-take with the two-person ATS visiting team. When that was finished, I met for another hour with the two of them privately. Long day.


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