Saturday (St Clement of Rome)

  • Arrived at the cathedral/office complex around 9:45.
  • Celebrated the 10am Diocesan Council Mass (observing the day's lesser feast).
  • Presided over the quarterly Diocesan Council meeting.
  • Met briefly with one of our clergy who is experiencing a peculiar amount of personal stress.
  • Met with the Archdeacon and one of our Rural Deans over a deployment situation in that deanery.
  • Met briefly with the Standing Committee regarding a specific piece of business they needed to conduct.
  • Met with the Bishop's Warden of one of our missions, along with the Archdeacon and the Treasurer, regarding an emerging (an unwelcome) financial contingency.
  • Grabbed a quick lunch at Taco Gringo with seminarian Ben Hankinson, now officially approved for the ordination to the transitional diaconate on January 30.
  • Drove to Champaign, through one patch of horizontal snow.
  • Met with the search committee at Emmanuel at 3pm, the Vestry at 4pm, the Deacon and Interim Rector at 5pm, then to the home of a parishioner for a vestry dinner.


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