
  • Master weekly task planning at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Edited, refined, and printed a working copy of my sermon for this Sunday, to be delivered at St Thomas', Glen Carbon.
  • Spoke by phone with one of our clergy concerning a financial/administrative matter and the question of hosting the 2014 Synod.
  • Responded to a clergy request for Discretionary Fund assistance.
  • Responded to a request from Sandy Moore, our chair of National and Global Mission, to look over a draft of a survey regarding interest and involvement of the various parishes in those areas.
  • Tended to an administrative matter concerning the retirement of one of our priests.
  • Lunch at home ... yummy leftovers.
  • Processed with the Archdeacon and the Cathedral Provost a voicemail that was left last Wednesday afternoon but which I just listened to this morning that can plausibly be interpreted as a death threat against me. We discussed it, and eventually made a call to the Illinois State Police.
  • Bashed my head against the brick wall of my office repeatedly ... no, actually, I tried to get a camcorder and my laptop to play well together so I can be about some long-delayed video editing, but it feels like I may as well have been doing the head bashing thing.
  • Met with two detectives from the Illinois State Police. They are going to shake the appropriate trees, as we know who left the ominous voice mail.
  • Dealt with a smallish but important pastoral/administrative matter.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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