Wednesday (St John of Damascus)

  • Usual AM routine; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Set up and otherwise prepared for the 12:15 Mass (altar book, readings, Prayers of the People).
  • Took a phone call from one of our clergy regarding a deployment issue, which then generated a handful of emails.
  • Worked on a long-delayed updating of the "alternative" Prayers of the People, a resource for parishes on the diocesan website.
  • Presided and preached at the regular cathedral liturgy, celebrating the lesser feast of St John of Damascus.
  • Lunch at home, from TG.
  • Working from home, continued with the Prayers of the People project.
  • Left for Edwardsville at 3:30.
  • Met with the vestry of St Andrew's from 5:00 until approximately 6:30. They are past the initial phase of their transition, and ready to discuss possible future scenarios. 
  • Dinner at Jack-in-the-Box in Edwardsville, then home, arriving at 8:30.


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