Wednesday (St Vincent of Saragossa)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Attended to some details and wrote an email in connection to next week's ordination of Ben Hankinson to the transitional diaconate.
  • Hand-wrote notes to clergy and spouses with February birthdays and anniversaries.
  • Lunch from KFC, eaten at home.
  • Followed up with a long-delayed project of chasing down a lead for a company that might be able to help us move our database management at the diocesan level out of the Middle Ages. I'm cautiously optimistic.
  • Followed up on another long-delayed project: Finding a convenient way for churches and others who didn't get around to ordering a formal portrait of YFNB to be able to do so, not that my late brother is no longer able to fulfill that function. A substantive step in the right direction.
  • Edited video of Session 4 (of 5) from last Lent's series Reading the Bible for Dummies. Hope to have it available on the website tomorrow sometime.
  • Began to flesh out plans for *this* year's Lenten teaching series at St John's, Decatur. No name yet, but it will have to do with classic Lenten themes of baptismal renewal, repentance, and spiritual discipline.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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