
  • Enjoyed a major technological learning curve victory while still at home, as Session 3 of my Reading the Bible for Dummies teaching series from last Lent successfully posted to YouTube, and then to the website. Now if I can remember what I did when I try to do it again ...
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Took care of some administrivia--namely, printing out a form and signing it, indicating my consent for the Bishop of Central Pennsylvania to retire. Yes, sometimes my life is that exciting.
  • Arrived at a central message and plotted the major moves of my homily for the feast of the Presentation--February 2 at the Church of the Holy Communion in Charleston, S.C. This part of the sermon prep process is probably the most difficult. I find it very laborious, and would compare it to giving birth if I didn't think virtually all women who have given birth would find that a little silly.
  • Lunch at home. Leftover brisket tacos.
  • Cleaned out, via scanning, my physical inbox.
  • Finished preliminary editing of the long-awaited liturgical customary and sent it to a group of trusted friends outside the diocese for their hopefully constructive comments, which I will take into account as I revise the document yet again before going public with it.
  • Laid some preliminary plans to welcome an Anglican priest from Pakistan, whom I met when we were both in Thailand in the summer of 2012, to the diocese next month. He is already going to be in Minnesota for a conference, and we're arranging an event in Springfield on February 9 where he will share from his experience of being a leader of the Christian community in an overwhelmingly Muslim environment.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Grabbed dinner from Subway before returning to the office and working some on a blog post before attending the regular January meeting of the cathedral chapter.


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