Thursday (George Herbert)

  • Weight and treadmill workout.
  • Morning Prayer at home.
  • Personal devotions in the cathedral (intercessions in front of the Blessed Sacrament, Angelus).
  • Spent a good chunk of the morning cleaning up administrative detritus from the clergy retreat and tying down loose ends related to the Canterbury pilgrimage.
  • Engaged the ongoing Nashotah House brouhaha via email with various parties, comments on social media, and this excellent article, which articulates why we can be faithful even in the midst of ideological non-purity.
  • Got a good jump on completing the UTO grant application on behalf of the Diocese of Tabora, which involved an email exchange with Bishop Elias.
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home.
  • Worked a but more on the UTO grant.
  • Refined and printed a working text for this Sunday's homily at St John's, Decatur.
  • Met for a substantive conversation with a potential discerner for Holy Orders;
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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