The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday

Today reminded me that I indeed do work for a living, though that's always a good thing. Presided and preached at the 8am cathedral liturgy--"solo" on the sense that they don't have an in-charge priest at the moment, so when it came time to do things like make the announcements, I was momentarily flummoxed. Between services, I led--"listened to" might be more appropriate--a forum at which parishioners could express their views on the qualities they would like to see in their next priest (who will be, as was the late Fr Roderick, a priest-in-charge styled Provost). I'm doing this in close consultation with the wardens and chapter, but it will be a streamlined process. The 10:30 Liturgy of the Palms had to be held in the atrium because it  started to rain right then. But we still had a proper parade, and the power of Palm Sunday still worked its magic. Looking forward to walking the path of Holy Week with the people of the cathedral.

Yard work in the afternoon ... before the rains came. 


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