Tuesday (St Catherine of Siena)

  • 38 available tasks ... 13 selected for completion today.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon on events transpiring during my absence from the office.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Gave final approval to the draft bulletin for Fr Herbst's funeral tomorrow.
  • Took care of a pesky detail concerning one of the credit cards I use for business expenses.
  • Made hotel reservations in Dallas for next week's meeting of the Living Church Foundation board.
  • Met with Sandy Moore, Chair of the Department of National and World Mission.
  • Lunch from ChiTown's Finest, eaten at home.
  • Took care of some administrative details pertaining to the Canterbury pilgrimage.
  • Took care of some administrative details pertaining to the transition of clergy leadership at the cathedral.
  • Hand-wrote notes to clergy celebrating birthdays and ordination anniversaries in May.
  • Conceived, hatched, drafted, refined, and printed a homily for tomorrow's funeral.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral. Home around 6:30, whereupon I was prevailed upon to take Brenda's dog for a long walk around the neighborhood so Brenda could fix dinner. When things are presented to me that way, I can be quite accommodating.


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