St Barnabas

Up and out of the Hampton Inn, Joliet in time to continue westward on I-80 for a 9:30 breakfast meeting in Peru with the chief financial officer and the chief fundraising officer of Nashotah House. We occupied the booth for about two and a half hours, and I believe it was a productive time as we face some daunting but surmountable challenges at the House. At noon, I pointed the YFNBmobile southward on I-39, and arrived at the diocesan center with about 10 minutes to spare before my 2pm appointment with a layperson from one of our Eucharistic Communities. This is about a fairly weighty pastoral matter, and I spent a little over 90 minutes with her. By this time, my introversion was in the red zone, and I really wasn't good for anything else than fending off emails and trolling Facebook. Consulted a bit with the Archdeacon, then left the office a little past 5:00, which, for me, is on the early side. Poured myself a stiff drink at home.


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