Thursday (St Boniface)

  • 45 minutes on the treadmill to begin the day.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Took the time to respond to some recent, but fairly urgent and important, emails.
  • Conceived, hatched, and dispatched and article for the next issue of the Current, but you can see it now on the website. This took me pretty much until 1:00, though I laid it aside in order to take a couple of phone calls.
  • Lunch of Italian beef from Chitown's Finest, eaten at home.
  • Made my annual cameo appearance as an "ecumenical guest" at the assembly of the Central and Southern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which is always held at the Crowne Plaza on Dirksen.
  • Processed, mostly by scanning, the pile in my physical inbox. This is a time-consuming and pretty mundane chore, but it invariably spins off other tasks, and generally makes me less paranoid that something important is going to get by me. 
  • After brief devotions in the cathedral, came home to retrieve Brenda just before 5:00, parked in the Christ Church lot on Jackson just off 6th, and walked across the street for dinner at Obed & Isaac's. (My favorite brew of theirs is called Ditzy Blonde.) Then back to Christ Church to preach, confirm four adults, and preside at the Eucharist. It was fun to use the readings for Confirmation, and preach on its meaning, since we weren't celebrating a Sunday or major feast. (Apologies to St Boniface.)


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