Tuesday (Martyrs of Uganda)

We concluded our Province V bishops meeting at 11am, having talked about subjects ranging from diaconal ministry to confirmation to anti-racism training to the General Ordination Exams to the September HOB meeting in Taiwan. Via a combination of taxi, CTA Blue and Green and Red lines, and my own two feet, I made in to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in time for my 1pm appointment for a one-year post-op follow-up visit--not for my benefit, strictly speaking, but for the benefit of the clinical trial that I agreed to participate it. After letting them draw blood and enduring an echo-cardiogram (those things are *so* not fun), I was released at 3, which allowed me time to walk all the way to Union Station (from the vicinity of Ohio and Michigan Avenues), stopping for lunch along the way at an Elephant & Castle. I boarded the 5:15pm southbound Lincoln Service train, which departed on time, but managed to arrive in Springfield right a 9:00, about 21 minutes late.


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