St Mary Magdalene

  • Weekly task planning at home.
  • Small admin chore accomplished with the Treasurer.
  • Devotions in the cathedral.
  • Conferred with the Interim Provost regarding life at the cathedral.
  • Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Gave my consent to the retirement of the Bishop of Massachusetts.
  • Exchanged emails with the Secretary of the Nashotah House board of trustees, and the chairman of the Dean Search Committee.
  • Initiated via email discussion of two items that require Nashotah trustee approval.
  • Spoke by phone with the chairman of the Commission on Ministry regarding some emerging business.
  • Took a walk around the block.
  • Exchanged emails with Fr Coleman and Deacon Jody regarding a date to come down and bless their new house.
  • Spoke by phone with the Bishop of Eau Claire regarding s clergy deployment situation.
  • Reviewed some last-minute changes I need to make to the script of a video presentation I will record at Nashotah House on Thursday.
  • Attended the cathedral midday Mass for the feast of St Mary Magdalene.
  • Lunch from Chitown's Finest (Italian beef), eaten at home.
  • Implemented the necessary changes in the video script.
  • Took another walk around the block.
  • Tweaked, refined, and printed a working copy of my homily for this Sunday (St John the Baptist, Mt Carmel).
  • Plotted all the sermon preparation tasks for the Sunday between the middle of September and the beginning of Advent. This includes looking at what's available from prior years on the same liturgical occasions and determining whether something can be reworked and freshened up, or I need to start from scratch. I do this about three times a year, and it's quite time-consuming.
  • Evening Prayer in the office, after which it was already last 6pm.


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