Friday (St Joseph of Arimathea)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Played with hot wax: sealed one ordination certificate (Ben Hankinson) and two Letters of Institution (Ben Hankinson tonight, Beth Maynard on October 18).
  • Reviewed and signed a letter dissolving St James', Marion as an organized mission, and redesignating it as a chapel of St Andrew's, Carbondale.
  • Chose the liturgical occasion (Votive for the Unity of the Church), readings, hymns, and service music for the synod Mass on October 10.
  • Made incremental progress troubleshooting an issue related to the use of the diocesan camcorder for recording teaching videos. More progress yet to be made.
  • Read a sermon and a blog post that have been flagged for my attention for the past few weeks.
  • Lunch at home--leftovers.
  • Packed for two nights away and his the road with Brenda at 1:30, headed for a 4;00pm liturgy rehearsal at Trinity, Mt Vernon.
  • Ordained Ben Hankinson to the priesthood, with the help of a packed church and a fine turnout of diocesan clergy.
  • Bedding down now in Mt Vernon ahead of a full day tomorrow in Carterville, Marion, and Cairo.


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