Wednesday (Alexander Crummell)

  • Usual AM routine; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to be celebrant and preacher at the midday cathedral chapel liturgy.
  • Regular monthly meeting with clergy associated with the cathedral. Usually not anything too substantive, but good to develop collegiality.
  • Closed the loop that I opened yesterday with a bishop in whose diocese I have a DEPO parish. All is well, given the anomalous circumstances.
  • First meeting with a potential aspirant for Holy Orders.
  • Celebrated and preached the noon Mass (celebrating the lesser feast of Alexander Crummell).
  • Lunch at home (leftovers).
  • Half-hour phone conversation with one of our rectors.
  • Took care of three or four recently-arrived emails, in violation of my rule that anything requiring more than two minutes of my time gets turned into a task and placed in the queue. I just wanted these things off my screen, so I broke my own rule. I guess I get to do that.
  • Finished cranking out a homily for this Sunday. It's a special occasion, though not a happy one--the final service at St Laurence's, Effingham. The time has come to close that mission, which we will do following this Sunday's Eucharist.
  • Addressed some issues related to the Cursillo movement in this diocese.
  • Took care of about a half dozen small items of administrivia (lay ministry licenses, updating contacts, reviewing draft minutes, and the like).
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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