The Lord's Day (XXIV Pentecost)

Up and out at 7:45, headed eastward toward Mattoon through a light dusting of early-season snow. Presided, preached, and confirmed three teens and one young adult at Trinity Church, which is exuding a spirit of renewed vitality under the pastoral care and leadership of Fr Jeff Kozuszek. The age range of those present was robustly encouraging. After a sumptuous post-liturgical repast, Brenda and I headed north on I-57 to Champaign, where will killed some time at the mall, racking up steps on the pedometer, downing some green tea, and rooting around cyberspace on our iPhones. When the time was right, we headed down to the Chapel of St John the Divine for a 4pm organ recital by Mark Dirksen. The instrument there is the renowned work of the renowned builder John-Paul Buzzard, who is a parishioner there. Mark Dirksen is married to Beth Maynard, the rector of Emmanuel parish across town, and is the son of the late great organist at Washington National Cathedral, Richard Wayne Dirksen. It was a delightful program of works not often heard in recital.


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