
  • Quality AM time with the Bowflex and treadmill.
  • Morning Prayer at home in my study.
  • Kept a 9:30 phone appointment in the same place. This had to do with the spiritual vitality component of our mission strategy.
  • In the office: Did a routine semi-annual review and evaluation of the diocesan mission strategy implementation. Made some notes and plotted some tasks as a result.
  • Located some material for the history-of-the-diocese portion of the website. Set in motion a process that will lead to more being posted in that area.
  • Dashed off an email to a couple of people outside the diocese whose brains I hope to pick on the subjects of evangelism and church planting.
  • Lunch at home--leftover pot roast.
  • Spoke by phone with one of our seminarians concerning some ordination and deployment issues.
  • Cleared by physical inbox, with the help of my optical scanner.
  • Took a brisk walk up to the other side end of the state capitol on Second Street, and back down on Spring Street. With weather like today's, any walk was bound to be brisk.
  • With the scanner still warm, I took the opportunity to digitize some other hard-copy materials. This is part of an ongoing project to go paperless. Won't ever achieve that goal, but that doesn't mean I can't make progress towards it.
  • Drafted an article on the "Five Tool Priest" that's been knocking around my head for a few months. The Living Church gets first crack. If they don't want it, I'll blog it.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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