
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to preside and preach at the midday Mass.
  • Initiated a series of six emails or voicemails on subjects ranging from Nashotah House to clergy deployment to mission strategy to technical support.
  • Developed, refined, and printed a working text for this Sunday's homily, at St Christopher's in Rantoul.
  • Took a brisk walk around the neighborhood, on what may be the last "nice" day of the season.
  • Celebrated and preached the midday Mass (ferial propers for Wednesday in the week of Proper 26).
  • Lunch at home (leftovers).
  • To my consternation, I devoted the great bulk of my afternoon to a very long tech support phone call. Due to some carelessness on my part about three weeks ago, some very annoying malware had found its way onto my laptop computer. Such items are pernicious, and enjoy playing hide-and-seek. Happily, I believe that we successfully located and deleted the offending files. But the effort ate up time.
  • Discussed an ordination process technical issue with the Archdeacon.
  • Took another brisk walk.
  • Fulfilled all online righteousness in connection with health insurance open enrollment.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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