
  • Finished a "non-statement" about the situation in Ferguson, MO, and posted it both on my own blog and on the diocesan website.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared to celebrate the preach the midday liturgy.
  • Got the ball rolling, by means of a fairly substantive email, on planning the liturgy for the ordination of Cameron Nations to the transitional diaconate on January 2.
  • Brought my homily for Advent II (St Andrew's, Carbondale) to the condition of "rough draft."
  • Presided and preached at the 12:15 Mass, using the ferial propers appointed for the day. I was particularly drawn to a line from Revelation 15: "... for with them [the last of the seven plagues] the wrath of God is finished." I went off in homiletical reverie on how what humans tend to experience and name as the wrath of God may actually be the love of God in disguise--that is, God preserving human freedom (a central aspect of the imago dei) by allowing us to experience the natural consequences of our own behavior.
  • Lunch at home.
  • Hand-wrote notes of greeting to clergy and spouses with nodal events in December.
  • Took a brisk walk across the parking lot to Spring Street, then down to South Grand, back over to Second and up to the office. Got snowed on.
  • Prepared a summary document for the chair of the Commission on Ministry with information about everyone at any stage of the ordination process, from about-to-be-ordained to the early stages of discernment. I can see a couple of lengthy COM meetings on the road ahead.
  • Evening Prayer fell through the cracks today. Happens sometimes.


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