Friday (St Clement of Alexandria)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Conceived and hatched a homily for the ordination of Cameron Nations to the transitional diaconate on January 2.
  • Checked in with the Parish Administrator at Emmanuel, Champaign regarding the program for said ordination, and left a voicemail with the rector on a couple of other concerns.
  • Arranged for a modest contribution from my discretionary fund to the College for Bishops.
  • Developed and made appropriate notes on a strategy for recruiting vocations to ordained diaconal ministry in the diocese. We have some great deacons, but not enough of them.
  • Lunch at home ... after which I just stayed there, taking a rare afternoon off, and appeasing my puritan work ethic with the reminder that it will be a long weekend of work (Carbondale Saturday evening and Sunday morning).


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