Friday (Charles Stuart, King & Martyr)

  • Usual AM routine; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepared for, and then attended, a meeting in my office with Nichole Del Giorno, the new cathedral organist. Our purpose was to plan the music for Palm Sunday, the Triduum, and Easter Day, and we succeeded in about 90 minutes. She is a joy to work with.
  • Spoke by phone at some length with the Dean-elect (for two more days) of Nashotah House over two matters--one having to do with troubled waters, and one merely practical. Plus a couple of other smaller things. 
  • Disassembled some old sermon material for Epiphany V and began the process of reworking it for use at St Paul's, Pekin on February 8.
  • Attended the midday Mass in the cathedral chapel, celebrated by the Archdeacon, in commemoration of his favorite saints, the blessed martyr Charles Stuart, King.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Took care of a bit of administrivia pertaining to the March meeting of the House of Bishops. 
  • Laid out the broad strokes of an article for the Covenant blog that is due in a couple of weeks. I'm raising the question of what the Church can learn from sabremetrics.
  • Took a brisk walk down to South Grand and back.
  • Defined tasks, and assigned dates to them, of the process for reconfiguring the financial administration of the diocese in anticipation of the impending retirement of our treasurer.
  • Dealt with sundry small administrative concerns in consultation with the Archdeacon.
  • Friday prayer: the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary, each decade offered in front of its corresponding window along the "liturgical north" side of the cathedral nave.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Took a first prayerful and meditative pass on the readings for Palm Sunday, particularly Psalm 22, in preparation for preaching on that occasion.
  • Made some small preparations for my role in tomorrow's major meeting of the Commission on Ministry. Left the office right around 6.


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