Friday (Phillips Brooks)

  • Usual AM routine; MP in the cathedral.
  • Attended to some detritus from last night's cathedral Chapter meeting; trying hard to call their next Provost.
  • Met with the new cathedral music director, Nicole DelGiorno. I think they'll be in good hands, and I look forward to working with her.
  • Continued to attend to details of the upcoming Nashotah House trustees meeting.
  • Made some incremental progress in the task of rearticulating the nature of the ministry of deacons in the Diocese of Springfield, and launching an intentional effort to recruit more diaconal vocations.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Hand wrote my notes to clergy and spouses with nodal events in February.
  • Scanned, catalogued, and otherwise dealt with the small mountain of hard copy items that had accumulated in my physical inbox.
  • Purged my credenza of anything that didn't really need to be kept around.
  • Friday prayer: Lectio divina on tomorrow Daily Office OT passage from Isaiah 45.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • At 7pm, drove to SPI with Brenda to meet Bishop Bill Godfrey of our companion diocese of Peru, who is in for the weekend. We got him checked in at the Abraham Lincoln (now a Doubletree) downtown and then took him out to dinner.


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