Thursday (St Vincent of Saragossa)

  • Customary Thursday morning weights and treadmill.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral. 
  • Arranged a meeting with the new cathedral organist, who starts this Sunday. As St Paul's faces a pastoral hiatus, and I will myself be doing the liturgical heavy lifting for Holy Week, she and I will be working closely together.
  • Attended, mostly via email, to some emerging Nashotah House issues as we face into a special winter trustees meeting week after next.
  • Attended via email to a clergy deployment issue, and then a pastoral/administrative issue.
  • Cobbled together a rough draft of a homily for Ash Wednesday, using some pre-existing material, which I will delivered at the community Eucharist at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA.
  • Walked two blocks to Julia's Southern Kitchen for lunch with John Roth, my ELCA opposite number. Bishop Roth and I have a lot in common, and it was a good time of sharing. Being able to talk to someone who is, at least roughly, a peer is invaluable.
  • Edited and posted "alternative" lectionary-based Prayers of the People forms for the Sundays of Lent and Easter (Year B).
  • Took care of some more Nashotah detritus.
  • Brought my homily for Epiphany IV from rough notes to rough draft condition. (February 1 at Christ Church, Springfield).
  • Hard walk east on Lawrence to 5th, down to Scarritt, over to 2nd, and back up.
  • Finished and printed the last of my three meditations for the clergy pre-Lenten retreat.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Home for dinner, then back to meet at 7 with the cathedral chapter. We're making progress on their next pastoral transition.


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