
  • Up early (for a Saturday). Weights and treadmill. Out the door to the cathedral complex around 9:15. 
  • Many of the details of the Chrism Mass were necessarily left for the pretty much the last minute--namely drafting people for particular jobs. It all got done in good order.
  • Presided at the annual Mass of Chrism, at which the clergy renew their ordination vows and the oils used in baptism and the anointing of the sick are blessed. Fr Dave Halt delivered an excellent homily.
  • Joined the clergy and spouses for lunch in the Roundhouse.
  • Spent the next two hours getting back in touch with how much work is required, dealing with a mountain of details, to make a major extraordinary liturgy like Palm Sunday happen in a seemingly effortless fashion. Kudos to the cathedral Altar Guild, with whom I co-labored much of the time. When I got home a little past 3:00, I was running on empty. Mindless television was called for to recharge my batteries.


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