
  • Customary Thursday morning workout--weights followed by a long while on the treadmill.
  • Morning Prayer in the office (they were cleaning in the cathedral).
  • Brief email responses to a couple of administrative concerns.
  • Refined and printed my homily for this Sunday (Redeemer, Cairo).
  • Met (along with Administrator Sue Spring) with a couple of office equipment sales reps. Our office copier is a workhorse, but it's 12 years old and will need soon be coming to the end of its serviceable life. I have visions of a network printer/copier/scanner with color capability. We'll see how it pencils out eventually.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Planned hymns and service music for all five celebrations of the Eucharist at next month's St Michael's Youth Conference. This sort of thing takes time, if it is to be done well.
  • Left the building a little past 3:00pm, retrieved Brenda at home, and pointed the YFNBmobile in a southerly direction.
  • Joined Fr Dale and Deacon Jody Coleman for dinner at Ruby Tuesday in Fairview Heights.
  • Presided and preached at a Darrow Deanery (plus St Mark's Lutheran) Ascension Day solemn Mass at St George's, Belleville. A grand time.
  • Home a bit past 10:30.


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