Friday (Julian of Norwich)

  • Attended to part of the process of renewing Brenda's passport, which will be necessary for her to come with me on a visit to our companion diocese of Peru this July. 
  • Brief devotions in the cathedral; Morning Prayer (short form) in the car as I headed north toward Bloomington. 
  • Made a hospital visit to a recent seminary graduate whom we have adopted in the diocese, but whose path toward ordination is overshadowed by very serious health issues. 
  • Met with Fr Halt at St Matthew's for a bit. There's always something. 
  • Headed back south right at noon, stopping in Lincoln to grab a burger. Dealt with torrential rain much of the way. 
  • Kept a phone appointment with a retired priest in New Jersey who is involved with the ongoing revival of ancient catechumenal practices. This is the sort of thing that dovetails very nicely with our diocesan mission strategy. We may be in the process of working up some sort of event. 
  • Grappled with the readings for Proper 5 (June 7 at Trinity, Jacksonville), and commentaries thereon. Arrived at the ever-crucial message statement--a declarative statement of good news with no imperatives, negatives, or subordinate clauses, out of which the sermon will be developed. 
  • Eliminated the mountain of hard-copy material in my inbox and on my desktop (both terms used literally in this case, not cybernetically), mostly through scanning and tossing, some through reading (headlines and pictures) and tossing, some just by tossing. My wastebasket is now full. 
  • Ignatian medication on the office gospel appointed for today. 
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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