
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Looked over the readings appointed for the liturgy for the purposes of conceiving and hatching a homily.
  • Made some final logistical preparations for the Diocesan Council Mass.
  • Downloaded and printed some materials that I would need to read later.
  • Presided and preached at the Diocesan Council Mass.
  • Presided over the regular quarterly meeting of the Diocesan Council.
  • Met with Sandy Moore in her capacity as Chair of National and Global Mission, planning visit form Springfield to Peru, and from Tabora to Springfield.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Performed the exegetical phase (mostly spending time with commentaries) of preparing to preach on the readings for Proper 11 (July 19 at St Mark's, West Frankfort).
  • Developed my message statement for a homily on Proper 17 (August 30 at St Mary's, Robinson) to the stage of "developed outline."
  • Put all the furniture in the cathedral chancel back they way it needs to be for Sunday. 
  • Left for home to get changed and packed. Out the door with Brenda a little past 5:30. Bedded down in Sikeston, MO ahead of tomorrow's Celebration of a New Ministry in Cairo.


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