Thursday (Jesus Christ the Eternal High Priest)

  • Customary Thursday morning weights and treadmill workout. 
  • Morning Prayer in the car on the way in. Brief devotions in the cathedral. 
  • Met with an ordinand and a team of four other clergy as ad hoc examiners in order to certify academic fitness. At about half past noon, the examining team and I adjourned to a nearby restaurant to multi-task by discussing the morning while we took necessary sustenance. 
  • Met with the Administrator and the Archdeacon in--yes--the first step in preparing for October's annual diocesan synod. Some canonical offices are filled by bishop's appointment, and we made those decisions. For those that are elected, we endeavored to ensure that there is at least one candidate for each office. There is, of course, a regular nominating process as well, so there may be some contested elections. 
  • Took care of one more outstanding item in the preparatory runup to the St Michael's Youth Conference. 
  • Attended to some Renewal Works, Peru visit, and Nashotah House tasks. 
  • Sat with my notes on the readings for Proper 11 (July 19 at St Mark's, West Frankfort), and emerged with a central message statement from which to craft a homily. 
  • Evening Prayer in my car en route home. 
  • After dinner, spent most of the evening turning an outline into a first draft of a sermon for Proper 5 (June 7 at Trinity, Jacksonville).


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