Tuesday (St Augustine of Canterbury)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral. 
  • Arranged for a disbursement from the Discretionary Fund to help seed a program initiative in one of our communities. 
  • Passed on some information about a book I recommended to someone in the ordination discernment process. 
  • Took some administrative steps toward ensuring there is a cohort of parishes doing the Renewal Works survey and follow-up workshops this fall. 
  • Dashed off a brief email to one of our ordinands. 
  • Took care of a detail of General Convention business. The pace of that sort of thing is about to quicken. 
  • Responded to a request from a layperson in the diocese for help with a theological issue. 
  • Began the work of refining this Sunday's homily (Trinity, Mattoon). 
  • Attended a meeting with the priest, two lay leaders, and the daycare center director of St Thomas', Glen Carbon--along with the Archdeacon and the Treasurer--to take counsel together regarding the ongoing viability of the enterprise. While we all no doubt wish we had never begun it in the first place, there are some encouraging recent trends. 
  • Completed the work of refining and printing this Sunday's sermon. 
  • Lunch from La Bamba, eaten at home. 
  • Did some low-level calendar organizing. 
  • Took care of a small bit of business on behalf of one of our postulants. 
  • Worked on the presentations I am responsible for at the upcoming St Michael's Youth Conference. 
  • Drafted a formal letter of invitation to the Bishop of Tabora for him and his wife to visit us this October. He needs this letter in order for them to get visas from the U.S. State Department. 
  • Took a good thorough look at some proposals that will come to General Convention. One could affect us rather severely, as it would turn voluntary financial askings into mandatory assessments. 
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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