Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

In deference, perhaps, to this being the Lord's Day, there was nothing on the official convention agenda until the 10a Eucharist. (See here for observations about the liturgy, the sermon, and the afternoon legislative session.) Bishops were to report to our assigned territory at 9:15 to vest in rochet and chimere and process solemnly into the worship hall. It must have been a sight to behold (which I was not quite able to do, since I was part of it).

Following the liturgy, I engaged in further reputation and relationship repair in the wake of "tweet-gate" earlier this week. I had lunch with two alums of the General Convention Youth Presence, both of whom are now Deputies, and one ordained. We had a lively and cordial discussion over a range of issues. It was a rich and nourishing time.

After the legislative session, Brenda and I went straight to a panel discussion sponsored by The Living Church on the subject of marriage redefinition, with erudite panelists representing the entire range of viewpoints. It was well-attended and generally excellent.

Then there was an impromptu tactical session in my suite with six Communion Partner bishops. We need to try to be on the same page when the debate on the Marriage Committee resolutions continues.

At around 9:15, with Brenda out to dinner with others, I ordered a hamburger from room service and commenced to blogging.


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