Tuesday (Joseph Butler)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral. 
  • Tweaked, refined, and printed a working text for this Sunday's homily (St Christopher's, Rantoul). 
  • Made sure everyone involved in a conference call this Thursday has the coordinates. 
  • Read and responded to an Ember Day letter from one of our candidates for ordination. 
  • Completed the paperwork necessary to give my consent to the election of George Sumner as Bishop of Dallas. 
  • Met with the cathedral Provost on a range of pastoral and liturgical issues. 
  • Lunch from La Bamba, eaten at home. 
  • Wrote a note to a clergy family who have recently suffered the loss of a loved one. 
  • Wrote an Ad Clerum--letter to the clergy--only my second of the year so far. 
  • Scheduled an appointment with my primary care physician to follow up on some ongoing concerns. 
  • Posted "alternative" Prayers of the People forms for Proper six through fourteen of the current year. 
  • Wrestled with my notes on the readings for Proper 17 (August 30 in Robinson) until they yielded a core message statement on which I can now build. 
  • Read a draft revision to our diocesan constitution and sent my comments to the chair of the committee doing the work. 
  • Short-form Evening Prayer in the car while en route home. (It was late.)


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