Thursday (Our Lady of Mt Carmel)

  • Customary Thursday morning treadmill workout.
  • Task planning at home over breakfast.
  • Morning Prayer in the office (cathedral was already abuzz for a funeral).
  • Arranged for some modest assistance to a clergy family in extraordinary need.
  • Took care of some business related to one of my DEPO parishes.
  • Arranged for publicity for an important parish mission strategy workshop in September.
  • Attended to a sensitive pastoral issue with a public relations aspect.
  • Attended to a small but important piece of Nashotah House business.
  • Followed through on a detail pertaining to a parish search process.
  • Lunch from ChiTown's Finest (Italian beef), eaten at home.
  • Monitored some of the internet traffic following the pastoral statement on marriage that I issued yesterday. Much of it was positive and grateful. Much of it was quite ugly. I'm not surprised; I knew this would happen. But it's still hard to see.
  • Worked on my homily for Proper 19 (September 13 at St John's, Decatur), taking it from "developed notes" to "rough draft."
  • Worked on sorting out some issues pertaining to one of our potential ordinands.
  • Posted Propers 15 through 28 on the website page for "alternative" Prayers of the People.
  • Scanned the pile of hard copy that had accumulated in my physical inbox.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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