
Began the day still at the Gray Center in the Diocese of Mississippi (about an hour north of Jackson). After breakfast, we gathered for a final plenary and feedback. The general sense was that our time together helped clergy leaders with sharply divergent views on the presently controverted issues around sexuality and marriage grow in trust that they actually do share a common faith in a common Lord despite those differences. We then repaired to the chapel, where it was my privilege to preside at a votive Mass for the Unity of the Church.

After a walking tour of the adjacent summer camp facility, I was driven to the Jackson area for lunch, then to a downtown hotel for some downtime after checking in. At 5:15, I was picked up and driven to the nearby St Andrew's Cathedral, where I was the featured speaker at a public event which also happened to be the first of a Wednesday evening adult formation series for the cathedral parish. My remarks were (I hope, provocatively) titled, Please Don't Invite Your Friends to the Eucharist: Being Church in an Unchurchy World.

Yesterday's talk, Looking to the Rock From Which You Were Hewn, Soundings in Revelation & Authority, can be found here.


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