
Still at Nashotah House. Morning Prayer/Mass/breakfast. Morning and afternoon sessions with the Board of Directors, with six of the nine of us present, and several former trustees who are now "members of the corporation" looking on from a makeshift "gallery," with neither seat nor voice. It felt pretty strange, but we will get used to it. By any measure, we were much more efficient in getting through our business than would have been the case with the old way of doing things. We had a small break between the conclusion of our business in the afternoon, and a 5pm Evensong in Adams Hall, during which it was my privilege to confer an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree on the Revd Kevin E. Martin. 

Tomorrow, I'll be driving to Minneapolis, picking up Brenda at the airport there mid-afternoon, then spending the weekend with our daughter and her family in St Paul. We drive home Monday, but that evening I am set to catch a plane for Houston, and the regular meeting of the Living Church Foundation and its board. So I'll probably be mute in this venue until Tuesday night.


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