Attended Morning Prayer and Mass in the Nashotah House chapel. Breakfast in the refectory. Informal conversations with students, faculty, and other trustees. Took advantage of the unscheduled morning to attend to a few tasks. Walked slowly through the cemetery--hallowed ground (Jackson Kemper, James Lloyd Breck, several bishops of Milwaukee and Fond du Lac, several deans and professors of Nashotah House, the priest under whom I was confirmed in 1975, a classmate's wife). Lunch in the refectory. Called the last meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 2pm. We passed, soon thereafter, a revision of the House's statutes that eliminated the trustees and reconstitutes the former trustees as members of a corporation who are responsible for electing from within their own number a Board of Directors consisting of six to nine individuals. According to a pre-agreed transition plan, the former Executive Committee constitutes the first iteration of the Board of Directors. There will be fresh elections in May. As soon as we adjourned, the statutory changes took effect. Having been appointed to the task while the trustees were still trustees, I called the Board of Directors to order, with the other corporation members still in the room, but without voice or vote, for the purpose of electing officers. I was elected to the Chair, but not without some drama, as there was another nominee for the position, and the process required several ballots. We finished our task just barely in time for Evensong. In the evening, I joined a group of seven others for a nice dinner at the Red Circle Inn in the nearby Village of Nashotah.
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