
  • Regular Nashotah schedule--8am Morning Prayer and Mass, followed by breakfast.
  • The Board of Visitors (all those who were formerly known as Trustees, and now aka "members" of the corporation) gathered at 9:45. Under the new statutes, I do not chair this group, and am ineligible to be elected to do so. Something about balance of power. So the Secretary called the meeting to order and we proceeded directly to electing Fr Andrew Mead to the position of Convenor of the Board of Visitors. 
  • The new development officer, Diane Platenberg, gave a most informative presentation. We have a real pro at the helm in this department now.
  • The Dean gave us the same orientation presentation that he gives to new students, connecting life at Nashotah House with the ancient and venerable Rule of St Benedict.
  • Lunch in the refectory.
  • Back in harness, we heard a presentation from the Academic Dean, Fr Andrew Grosso, on some issues of curriculum and enrollment.
  • We discussed some issues pertaining to our standing with our accrediting agency, the Association of Theological Schools.
  • We discussed the need to increase the number of board members, and the qualities we are looking for.
  • Evensong at 4:30. Following some time processing emails, I joined some colleagues for dinner at a restaurant in Delafield.


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